When you joined Binary Assembly you had no idea how many all-nighters you'd pull to finish the massive amounts of work. Tonight is different, only because it is the night before you present your final project. You are debating about staying at Binary Assembly until after closing time to perfect your project.
You hesitate as you think about the rumors you've heard during your time here. You've heard many rumors ranging from random alien abduction to a crazed former student that stalks the halls at night. The point is- no one stays after closing. Tonight you're...
You dread the long train ride home. The walk to the train station is eerily quiet. The always bustling 6 train station is deserted. You feel like you are being watched as you step onto the train platform. You turn around and see no one yet can't shake that awful feeling. The train is empty, you breathe a sigh of relief.
Just before the doors close at the next stop, an enigmatic man boards the train. The man has his back towards you, making it impossible to see his face. You can only see that his clothes are stained with an unknown reddish substance. A repugnent stench fills the air, you cover your nose before you gag.
The train lights flicker on and off as the train comes to a screeching halt. In the fleeting moment that you took your eyes off the strange man, he had pulled the emergency brake. The man walks toward you with his head bowed down towards the floor, you still can't see his face and you never want to see his face.
You back up until you hit the emergency exit door. Without taking yours eyes off him, you try to open the door. The door is locked tight. You curse, rummaging in your pockets for your cellphone. The train lights go off for good leaving you in the dark. You use your phone as a light source.
The train car is so dark that you can't see more than three feet in front of you. Your nose is being increasingly assulted by the foul stench reeking off of this man. Though you can't see, you can certainly smell his approach. Having no time to think, you...
You dial 911, hastily. You put the call on speakerphone so that you are still able to look for the appproaching man. In the overwhelming darkness you see something reflect off of your dim phone light. You try to figure out what it could be when it reveals itself... It follows.
You're ready to confront him. You wait for him to make a move but he never does. The lights turn back on, revealing that you are alone. You breathe a sigh of relief. The lack of sleep made you start to imagine things. You make a mental note to sleep more when you're launched in the air as the train crashes. It follows.
Screw the rumors. You are so close to finishing your project, you can't leave now. You work through the night, losing track of time. You yawn, resting your eyes for several seconds. When you open your eyes, the trail of droll on your cheek hints that you were sleeping. You check your watch. It's 10PM.
You search the floor again, it's deserted. Still in disbelief you check your watch again. The watch is stuck on 10PM. Across the hall you can hear the elevator door opening. The strange gurggling sound emitting from the hall makes you certain that you're not alone. You...
Ignoring the ominous presecnce, you reinvestigate the floor. The floor is empty yet you can't help but constantly look over your shoulder. You can't shake off this awful feeling. The sound of glass breaking in the kitchen startles you. You don't want to investigate the kitchen but know you have no other choice. It follows.
With trepidation you search the lobby. The elevator is still open but there is no sign of anyone else's presence. A menancing girl's voice whispers threats in your ear, freezing you in place with fear. The feeling of a clammy, cold hand on your shoulder gives you an adreniline boost that sends you running. It follows.
In a matter of life or death, you chose to forsake your project. With the exit in sight you feel your already frantic pace hasten. A ghostly nudge sends you falling down the remaing stairs with enough force to cause a concussion. When you awaken you find yourself in the embrace of the ghostly specter. Will you enjoy your life as the lover of a ghost?
You've made it this far, you can't abandon your project right now, not even for a ghost. You run down a flight of stairs, making sure to never look back. It follows, humming a hauntingly mesmerizing dirge. You take the other set of stairs back up to the 4th floor. You make a beeline for room 4B, fleed the building. Once outside, you look up at the 4th floor window and see the downtrodden ghost.
Your project was a success. You are asked to be a TA for the next cohoty but you politely decline. You still have nightmares about your time there, that fateful night. You are a full stack we developer now, but you are never staying at your job after 10PM. IT FOLLOWS.